The law of one

The One

“Whatever you desire in life, you may have. For there is a cosmic power within you, which can bring all your dreams to fruition. This cosmic power is the greatest force in all the world. You can begin to use this power NOW; to heal your body and for prosperity in your business or professional world. This cosmic power will guide and direct you, attract the right companions or partner. bring out your hidden talents and help you prosper in countless ways.” Dr. Joseph Murphy – The cosmic power within you.

The words “cosmic power” refer to the innate source of all things. This phenomenon can never be whole fully described. It can only be experienced.

This experience comes from a balanced mind, body, and vision and results in a passion for life.

How to deal with your past

You can’t run from your past.

Sometime in your life, you have got to experience pain. When this happened, you may wonder why. Everyone’s experience is different, you may have had a very blessed life, or maybe you have gone through hell since birth. But we all are going to experience pain at some point.

Since that point, a subconscious question had risen. Why has this happened? Did I do something wrong? No, you did not do something wrong. In this life we encounter difficulties to learn to push past our boundaries. When we push past our limitations, we become greater. 

Before we move further, it is important to realize that what has happened in your past, will not equal your future. Become aware of what events have happened in your life that had the biggest impact, learn from them, and move on.

Once you’re at peace with your past, you can start a new future.

How to start manifesting​

Every journey starts with an empty map.

Clearing out the old beliefs is important when you want to manifest something in your life. To be able to see your imagination in reality, you have to release old limiting patterns of thinking. The true self lives without concepts, labels, and/or descriptions. This is a creation from the imagination of the force of good.

Fear will hold you back on building a new reality for yourself. Basing your next chapter on the mindset of the past, nothing will change. If you repeat the actions you have made in the past, don’t expect the results to change. The same goes for mindset. If you don’t clean out the old thinking patterns of lack and limitations, there will be no change in the result of your thinking. If you want to start to see the different output in your thinking, work, or relations, you have to actually change the input. We can only do this to burn the “old” self and rise to greater strengths like a phoenix in the new.

Are you ready to start your new adventure?


Everything is mental

Think about something, anything, and it is mental. All concepts, words, descriptions, and or experiences are perceived within the mental nature. Divided into three distinctions: mind (thoughts), body (emotions), and, vision (what you perceive to be true).

So if you want to know how to manifest a person: start by thinking. Create a mental picture of the ideal image, what does this person look like? When you envision your ideal, your mind will start to  pick up on things that are in line with this concept. And move your body towards that goal.

The world is a canvas for your imagination. You are the painter. There are NO RULES. Get to work


Belief; the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true

Thoughts are connected with emotions. This creates a guidance system. When something happens and you feel bad, you steer away from it. When something feels good, you go for it. Now consciously you can direct your attention to a goal. This could be an affirmation, a symbol, phrase, or your destiny.  Combining both feelings and a vision sets the belief. It is an unspoken word of certainty within self that only you can experience!

Love is the absence of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. If these come up, they are to be included in the mind of One. For belief is subjective, and is supported through emotions. In the mind of the One, there just is what there is. To Believe or to have faith is the presence of undivided attention for a vision.

Expand your belief, create a new vision

To create and believe is to see.

When the internal realm is fixed on what it is that you would like to be realized; it is there to be experienced. When all of the cells, thoughts, and joints of your body are aligned with the ideal you envision, is to see the world in that light. The vision is a fulfilling inner vision and to see this in the world around you. There is an eternal loop of aiming for a mountain, hitting obstacles and adjusting, keeping the eyes on the highest greatest good, and persevering to get to this destination.

It starts by realizing you have to be ONE with your creation.

For coaching on how to push past your limitations, click the link to schedule a free consultation.